On the other end of the scale, we have Chess Gambit. The puzzles aren’t hard (at least, not as far though the game as I played for this review), but that’s not a problem, as this is a game very much more about the journey than the challenge. The screen on a standard Switch simply doesn’t have the brightness to do this verdant and vibrant world justice, and I found myself (for the first time) wishing for an OLED Switch just to see what this would look like with a few more nits (that’s screen brightness, not headlice, although the latter wouldn’t be out of place in the game!). My biggest complaint wasn’t actually with the game, but with the Switch itself. There’s nothing negative anywhere, and the forest locale is perfectly realised. Hoa is a soft game, perfect for younger players but equally enjoyable by adults. It has a subtle way of zooming in and out, too, which means that you can always see exactly what you need to see to work out where to go. Hard-shelled beetles are there to provide movable platforms (just convince them to follow you), and soft squishy creatures give you that extra bounce to reach higher platforms. As a small bug-sized little creature, you walk through the wood, jumping on logs and leaves for the main part, but getting help from the bugs that are nearby. Everything is perfectly thought out, and fantastic to look at. There’s nothing particularly mind-blowingly new in terms of mechanics-it’s a platformer game based on collecting things and exploring locations. It’s utterly delightful in tone, with truly inspiring artwork and a delicate soundtrack that adds much to the sense of relaxed exploring.
With absolutely beautiful graphics, it looked like this relaxed platformer was going to be something special. I was excited to see Hoa ever since it popped up in our UGP News some months ago.